The man used honey and wax sin from the prehistory capturing them from nests constructed in cavity of trees or gorges between cliffs, as he demonstrates a meaningful rupestre design recovered in the Cuevas cove de the Arana near Valencia (Spain) and going back to the Mesolitico (7000 a.C. Approximately). From this primitive shape of exploitation he passed himself to the breeding of the bees gradually.
Innumerable discovery archaeological testifies that the bee-keeping was held in great consideration near all the ancient people, from the Egyptians who moved the stream beds on boats in order to take advantage of the scalari closings along the course of the Nilo, to the Greeks who, with Aristotle, tried to interpret the biological phenomena of the society of the bees. Latin Columella, Plinio, Varrone, Virgilio and other writers described with particular the bee-keeping techniques applied from the Roman and the wide honey use, wax and propoli to which came recognized remarkable medicamentose property.
During the Evo Mean they were not only recorded meant progresses to you and with the renaissance flourish again the interest for the bee-keeping. With the acquisition preciser acquaintances than autonomy in the biology of the bee and with the technical new experimentation of breeding, came placed the bases for the realization, in 1851, of the beehive ration them that the successive development of the modern bee-keeping concurred.